Dear listeners,
2024 is just around the corner (*gulp*) and that means the Listener’s Choice episode is almost here too.
Just as a reminder, here’s our upcoming release schedule:
Tuesday, December 5: The Troilus and Criseyde episode
Tuesday, January 9: Listener’s Choice episode
Tuesday, February 6: Julius Caesar episode (we have an awesome guest lined up for this one!)
So as we get ready here’s what’s going to happen:
To nominate a book, use the comments of this post. Remember, at the end of the day, we can only choose one book!
Once the nominations are in, Junius and I will pick our top three or four choices.
There will be a newsletter that will come out this Friday that will include a poll to vote from those choices.
We will announce the Listeners Choice read on Monday!
We are so thankful for all our listeners, especially those of you who support the podcast financially. We’re excited to hear your suggestions!
What do you want to read?
Starship Troopers to hear the conversation around the political system in the book.
The Nichomachaen Ethics by Aristotle