Plato is one of the towering figures in the world of philosophy. Alfred North Whitehead infamously called all of Western philosophy a series of footnotes to Plato.
In this episode, we discuss Plato’s Apology. This dialogue is a great introduction to reading Plato. For one, it is much shorter than texts like Republic. It is also dialectically straightforward — since most of the text is a monologue from Socrates, it can be easier to grasp the structure of the arguments. And finally, it is emotionally engaging in a way that some of Plato’s other dialogues are not.
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→ End Notes
Every month, we each recommend a book or other piece of media.
Wesley: ‘Gorgias’ by Plato and Plato’s Philosophers by Catherine Zuckert
Jared: ‘Timaeus’ by Plato and Anathem by Neil Stephenson
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