Excited for the Iliad discussion! I read the Lattimore translation in I think December ‘22 or January of this year and it fell flat for me, but I think it may be one of those works that grow on me the more I learn about them. I’ve been avoiding The Odyssey and The Aeneid because of my initial experience with The Iliad, but after reading the absolutely massive amounts of allusions to those three books in other works of literature that I love I’ve been feeling the need to go back.
Excited for the Iliad discussion! I read the Lattimore translation in I think December ‘22 or January of this year and it fell flat for me, but I think it may be one of those works that grow on me the more I learn about them. I’ve been avoiding The Odyssey and The Aeneid because of my initial experience with The Iliad, but after reading the absolutely massive amounts of allusions to those three books in other works of literature that I love I’ve been feeling the need to go back.
Have you tried different translations? Fagles is always good!
Sad to see Jared go but hopeful for the future